chipping to become acceptable in the sub conscience of man.
Latest News WORLDBEAT: ID malleability creates virtual-world issues Portable Hard Drive comes with biometric fingerprint access. Network of surveillance cameras proposed for Pittsburgh PBC sergeant implanted with medical-information chip Would an implanted chip help to keep my child safe? From aardvark to zorilla, Noah's Ark project team plans to catalogue all life on earth Fingerprint scan to enter nursery Implanted Chips in Our Troops? VeriChip Expects Q1 Revenue To Top Guidance - Update Innovative authentication targets Windows XPe thin clients Implantable RFID May Be Easy, But That Doesn't Mean It's Ethical VeriChip Implants 222 People With RFID Corporation hides spychip implant risks in stock offering Patients, doctors staying away from implantable RFID chips
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[Google [Google URGENT NEWS! The new We the People Will Not Be Chipped Group can be found here
The We the People will not be Chipped - No Verichip Inside Movement, is based on the irrefutable fact, that we believe in mankind's inalienable human rights that are absolute and can not be debased, nor perverted. Human life can not be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under you skin under any circumstance. By uniting on this common ground, we can send a strong message to the IBM funded Verichip that we the people will not be chipped! If you or your company/organization would like to get involved with the We the People will not be Chipped - No Verichip Inside Movement , we encourage you to get in contact with us. We are looking for contributors , web designers, artists in all fields , printers, multimedia experts, mailing houses, civil libertarians, financial contributors, and freedom fighters to help us take this message to the masses. We will only be treated like inventory when complacency becomes our drug of choice.
As history has a funny habit of repeating itself. Study World War II closely on how IBM backed the Nazi Regime utilizing the Hollerith Machine . The Hollerith Machine was a punch card system that aided in cataloguing the population. This IBM technology gave the fascist, totalitarian state the much needed technology boost to increase it's rate of human data processing . The goal was simple, extreme nationalism which called for the unification of all German-speaking peoples and eradicating the enemies of the state namely the Jews and other non-compliant races. Fast forward to the year 2006 , we have IBM funding the parent company of the Verichip namely Applied Digital Solutions [ADSX] . The VeriChip Corporation is both FDA approved and patented with the owner of patent (#6,400,338) granted recently to VeriChip's manufacturer, Digital Angel Corporation, with worldwide patents pending. In the re-active world's state of affairs, we are seeing world governments tightening measures in regard to identity protection, trumpeting our need to be protected from the forces of evil. As we move into the age of paranoia and fear these ideologies, supported by propaganda campaigns, demand total conformity on the part of the people. We are seeing information and ideas filtered through the control of television, radio, the press, and education at all levels. When the next 9/11 event occurs and world government, with the use of enforced martial law utilizing paramilitary police, demands mandatory human chipping, will you be considered the NEW JEW if you choose not to comply? What if you believe a human should never be treated like inventory? What if you find the the thought of being chipped as degrading , degenerative and of feeble mind ? Do you become the enemy of the state because you will not accept a RFID EMBEDDED into your person? We can say this , the day you accept a RFID Verichip is the day you have sold your human spirit . What have you received in return? Fear. The product they sold you. We ask you this question.
The No Verichip Movement believes we can prevent the external social forces in polluting the human mind set that the human requires to be chipped . If you feel as strongly as us and want to be part of this movement we ask you to get involved and get involved now! We are defending the pinnacle backbone of civil liberties and if one can not get motivated to prevent coerced and forced chipping of humans ,you would ask yourself whether the time has come to hand yourself into a mental institution ? The future generation does not request your assistance , it demands it. On MySpace? Join the No Verichip Inside Movement Group today!
SERIOUS INVESTOR NEEDED We need to take this message to the mass media and are requesting a deep pocketed man/woman who shares our belief system to step up to the plate. If this issue is not worth fighting for and contributing to , what is? Millions get paid in tithes and offerings to circuses masquerading as churches with little or no results in the real world apart from bigger TV projectors , larger choirs and of course massive stadiums to preach the prosperity gospel. This is not an attack on Christianity as many of our members are indeed Christians. We are accusing the church system on a whole on not focusing on new developments and keeping the flock in the dark to generate continual revenue. People in general do not like 'real' news and the church system is aware of that so it tip toes around the facts and omits details to ensure the stadium is filled next week. The time to wake up is now! If you feel you are the person and you know you have the capacity to help us stem the tide and at the very least educate the world populace about the human inventoring issue , contact us now! We will make the difference , we are the organisation they fear but we are missing the piece of the puzzle and you know who you are. Contact us and let's make the difference the world needs.
In a band or a musician? We are looking for artists to contribute towards a CD Compilation that will be based on an Orwellian theme against the enslavers and companies that do their bidding. We encourage you to send us an email for further details. WANTED SECTION
- Print house to aid us in reducing costs for stickers and printed material. - Chinese Mandarin translator. - RFID experts always wanted. - Bloggers to spread the message. - Web junkies to submit links to Boing Boing, Grist ,Slashdot, Fark,ATS,Stumble Upon etc. - Multi-Media experts wanted. - Any news stories that we might find of interest? Email us the link and story. - Have you any footage or pictures that could be used in one of the videos? Please email. - Outside of the box ideas! Have an idea that will aid awareness? Please contact us! Mailing List for site updates, cutting edge information and free newsletter!
Companies to Watch
Somark’s ID system is based on a biocompatible ink tattoo with chipless RFID functionality. When applied, the ink creates a unique ID that can be remotely detected without line of sight. The technology creates a synthetic biometric or fake fingerprint with Biocompatible Chipless RFID Ink. NEWS LINKS [ DNA banks, biometrics, RFID and other forces at play that are moving the world into the Orwellian nightmare.] Access Card" a gross violation of civil rights ID card scheme cost put at £5.4bn Verichip systems installed in Mideast Bioscrypt's VeriSoft Access Manager(TM) supports Biometric Logical ... TI, ADEL co-develop fingerprint ID processor Printed polymer electronics – the future of RFID Pfizer to Use RFID to Combat Fake Viagra People prefer iPods to biometric passports IBG Publishes Study on Performance of Vein, Iris Recognition ... Design Review on NanoSensors' Product to Detect E-Coli A preview to the largest biometrics conference & exhibition in Privacy and RFID Information Systems Texas Instruments Advocates RFID Authentication for ... Government agencies expanding use of RFID First biometric passports issued Biometric Hand Reader Replaces ID Cards That Can Be Stolen or Lost Civil rights row over school fingerprints Biometric Check-Cashing: Pay By Touch Provides Check Cashing NXP to supply RFID chips for US e-passports Passengers' chat will be recorded to foil hijackers Technology Enhancements to Fingerprint Databases Increase ... RFID Tags: Big Brother in Your Wallet? Motorola, ASU Make Carbon Nanotube Advancement VeriChip Corporation's VeriMed Patient Identification System Now ... Big Brother and Google Are Listening to You Bill makes threat of 'Big Brother watching" very real, experts ... Legislation to be drawn up for DNA testing Disney has advised feds on biometrics Digital Angel to distribute in Brazil Biometric border checks come into force British Airways to adopt NY biometric screening VeriChip wants to chip every US soldier Implanted Chips in Our Troops? Digital Angel to Market Electronic RFID Livestock Tagging Systems ... A shot-in-the-arm microchip could save your life [Morons need only apply] Thema: Siemens will lauch a takeover to Applied Digital Solutions VeriChip takes Hugs and MyCall systems to Australia New Identification Technology Raises Concerns over Privacy VeriChip's human-implatable RFID chips clonable VeriChip to Implant RFID Tags in Blue Cross Members Digital Angel to Market Electronic RFID Livestock Tagging Systems ... Verichip Allow Patients Medical History In Instant Hints Reveal Why The Border Was Left Wide Open Bill would ban chip implantation in employees RFID Implants Aimed At Chronically Ill VeriChip announces plans for $42-million IPO People-chipping tech cloned by hackers VeriChip(TM) Announces Results of Italian National Institute Two DNA database 'should include all' Micro chips becoming the latest medical accessory Verichip systems installed in Mideast HSBC launches banking by mobile phone service Computer prodigy Derek Jacobs dead at 18
"It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds " Samuel Adams